Sunday, December 6, 2020

MongoDB: the choice for all database requirements


MongoDB: the choice for all database requirements

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So what actually is a database we are discussing about?

A Database can be defined as a physical container used for storing collections of data. Every database created gets its own set of files on the file system. A single MongoDB server typically has multiple databases for reference and usage.

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About MongoDB:-

MongoDB basically is a document-oriented database program, which is developed in the C++ programming language, and classified as a NoSQL database program.
It uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
Various forms of data are supported by MongoDB. As previously it was using the tables and rows as in the case of relational databases, here the MongoDB architecture is made up of collections and documents.


MongoDB can be termed as a cross-platform, which provides

  1. High performance,
  2. High availability, and
  3. Easy scalability to its users, working on the concept of collection and document.

MongoDB Document

A document is a set of key-value pairs. Documents have a dynamic schema. The Dynamic schema states that the documents which are in the same collection do not need to have the same set of fields or structure, and common fields in a collection of documents may hold different types of data.

MongoDB Collection

Collection is a group of MongoDB documents. A collection exists within a single database. Collections do not enforce a schema. Documents available in a collection can may different fields. Here, all the documents in a collection are of similar or related purpose.

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Document Oriented Storage

A Document Oriented Storage means that the Data collected is stored in JSON style documents.

It helps with features like

  1. Attributes with indexes
  2. High availability and is replicable.
  3. The Updates are reliable and in-place.
  4. Query ocean with help enhancements.
  5. Professional support by MongoDB
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RDBMS also has a pre-defined database schema based on the requirements and a set of rules to define the relationships between fields in tables.

As you know, RDMS stores data in tables format and uses structured query language (SQL) to query the database.
MongoDB stores data in documents in-spite of tables. You can change the structure of records (termed as documents here)simply by adding new fields or deleting existing ones.

So due to the ability of MongoDB helps you to represent hierarchical relationships, to store arrays, and other more complex structures easily.

RDBMS (key features)

  • Databases
  • Tables
  • Tuples/Row
  • Column
  • Table Join
  • Primary Key

MongoDB (key features)

  • Database
  • Collection
  • Documentation
  • Field
  • Embedded Documents
  • Primary key: here we are provided by Default_id bu MongoDB
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MongoDB compared with RDBMS

In the world of the databases, the most well-known, common and popular database system is RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems). And, if we want to develop an application which deals with a large volume of data, then we need to choose one such database which always provides a high — performance data storage solutions. By this, we can achieve the performance for the solution in the terms of the data stored and data retrieve method with accuracy, speed making it more reliable.

▶Now, if we sketch up the margins and categorize the database solutions then we come across mainly two types of database category available i.e. the RDBMS like SQL Server etc, and other type is the NoSQL database which is similar to the cosmosDBMongoDB,.

▶The NoSQL database is an alternative to the conventional SQL Database and also, this type of database provides mostly all types of features which are normally available in the RDBMS systems.

▶Now, the NoSQL database is known to be much popular compared to the simple design, for both horizontal and vertical scaling and also for easier and simple access and control over the stored data.

▶ The main credit to the developers is provided as they can store data in the database as per the actual requirement of their program, which cannot be achieved by using the traditional RDBMS database.

▶MongoDB has taken role over the most commonly used database in the industry of development as a Documented database. In documented databases, the basic role/concept of table and row in comparison with SQL database has changed. If we check, the rows here has been replaced by the document term which is much more flexible and model-based data structure, and here we can store hierarchical data in a single document in a document database.

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Who are preferring MongoDB

In the industry of Information Technology, there are a huge number of companies who are using MongoDB as a database for their applications or data storage systems. According to a survey conduct, on behalf of MongoDB database preference, there were approximately 3800+ companies who had given a confirmation that they are using MongoDB Database.

Some of the key names are

  • Twitter
  • IBM
  • Sony
  • HTC
  • BrightRoll


As the MongoDB is a NoSQL based database, the developers are impressed and expressing mounted interest in it because of its varied features as discussed above, and now a new demanding choice of the most of database needs.

My next blog would include some more detailed description and features of this cool database.

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